Better patch tracking and more in Launchpad Bugs 3.1.12

Launchpad’s 3.1.12 release has been a big release for the Launchpad Bugs team, despite it only being a two week development cycle compared to the normal four week cycle for Launchpad releases.  This meant there was really only a week of development time for the bugs team.  We’ve been anxious to really put some development effort to the plans we’ve been articulating at sprints and UDS over the last few weeks prior to the start of the 3.1.12 cycle, so we discussed in our team being very careful with our time during this short cycle so that we could end the year with a hint of the work to come over the next 2-3 months.

Better Patch Tracking

One of the things we’ll be working on over the next months is better patch tracking and reporting in Launchpad.  The first fruits of this have landed with changes to distinguish patches in comments and to list patches separately on the bug page.

Now when you attach a patch to a Launchpad bug, the patch has a new icon to distinguish it from any other attachment.

Patches are now easily identifiable in comments from other bug attachments

Patches are also now listed separately in the sidebar from other attachments on the bug page.

Patches are listed separately from other attachments now

This work is part of the larger story of better patch tracking in Launchpad which will be one of three stories within the larger story of connecting Ubuntu, upstreams, and users that the bugs team will focus on in the next few months of development work.

Stopping Filebug Timeouts

Another nice change is the filebug work that Graham already posted about when he put out his call for early testing.  This changes lands with 3.1.12 and filing a bug should rarely time out now.

Showing Affected Users

Also, Martin previously blogged about our now showing the number of affected users on a bug page.  This is part of the story we’re calling Bug Q&A and also relates to our efforts to deliver a quality bug heat metric on Launchpad bugs.

More to Come From the Bugs Team

Each of these when taken on their own is not a large new feature, but it’s a nice bit of work for just a week’s worth of development.  Hopefully, this will also give Launchpad users a sense of what is to come in the next few months of development in the Launchpad Bugs application.  If you’re interested in following development on the Launchpad Bugs team, or maybe you’ve thought of contributing to the code, then you can check out the bugs team development plans on the Launchpad dev wiki.

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