Launchpad is on Facebook

Have you seen that Launchpad is on Facebook?

If you want to get Launchpad feature and development news through Facebook, like our page.

There are also our Twitter and accounts, if you prefer those.


2 Responses to “Launchpad is on Facebook”

  1. Jonathan Carter Says:

    When will more social features be coming to Launchpad? I’d love to be able to follow someone’s work. Or possibly a project, being able to see when a new upload has been made to a new PPA or a branch on my home page summary would be great. How about being able to see status updates on what people are working on? If I’ve been meaning to ask someone about something and I see they happen to be working on it right now then it could be quite convenient.

    I guess it would be way too much work… I guess I’ll settle for fixing of current LP bugs then 🙂

  2. Matthew Revell Says:

    Hey Jonathan, that’s a great question and certainly something I’d love to see.

    It’s something we want to do but we haven’t scheduled the work yet. Right now our maintenance squads are focusing on ridding Launchpad of its timeouts, crashes and other critical bugs, while the feature squads are improving bug subscriptions/notifications and enabling the easy creation of derivative distributions.

    Once that feature work is done we’ll be a little freer to start looking at other stuff, such as making LP more social.

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