Beta squadron engage: better bug subscriptions

A yellow bug, geddit?Ever wished you got less bug mail? Or perhaps that you could better control the bug mail that Launchpad sends you?

Recently, Gary and the yellow squad, plus before them the previous Launchpad bugs team, have been working to give you just that: better control of the email that Launchpad sends you about bugs.

The yellow squad are spending the next couple of weeks adding some additional polish to the new bug subscriptions and notifications system. If you’re part of the Launchpad beta testers team, though, you’ve got access to it right now.

So, if you are a Launchpad beta tester, here’s what to look out for when dealing with bug subscriptions:

  • You can now choose which events will trigger an email and filter them by types of status, importance, etc., when you subscribe to a series, project or distribution.
  • As a result, you can have more than one bug subscription to the same series, project or distribution, each subscription with its own name.
  • You can mute individual bugs.
  • Bug mail that results from a named subscription has a “X-Launchpad-Subscription” header, and a line in the body of the email, quoting the name you gave the subscription.
  • You can see, and edit, all the different ways in which you might receive email about a particular bug by clicking “Edit bug mail” on a bug page.

I’ll announce the feature properly, with a nice fancy screencast and all that jazz, when we release it in full.

If you’ve got any questions, come join us on the launchpad-users list. If you come across any bugs, please report them with the “story-better-bug-notification” and “beta-team” tags.

Anyone can join the Launchpad beta testers team and, unlike Hotel California, you can leave at any time.

Photo by Nils Geylen. Licence: CC BY SA 2.0

4 Responses to “Beta squadron engage: better bug subscriptions”

  1. John Drinkwater Says:

    An excellent start. A feature I would love added to launchpad next is OStatus, so one could get real-time notifications of bug comments!

  2. DnaX Says:

    Nice feature!

  3. Launchpad Blog Says:

    […] Did you know we’re running a beta of Launchpad’s new bug subscriptions system? […]

  4. David Duffey Says:

    Looks great! Is there a way to list all subscriptions on one page, rather than clicking into each project -> bugs -> other subscriptions to disable bug reports by default?

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