Meet Henning Eggers
Henning Eggers is the most recent member of the Launchpad Translations team, working with Danilo and Jeroen. Let’s find out a bit more about him.
Matthew: What do you do on the Launchpad team?
Henning: I am a software developer on the Translations team. So far I have worked a lot on the importing and approval code. As of last week I am also the QA contact for our team.
Matthew: Can we see something in Launchpad that you’ve worked on?
Henning: Not yet, unless you are a member of the rosetta-experts team … 😉
Matthew: Where do you work?
Henning: Pinneberg, 30 km north-west of Hamburg, Germany. Hamburg is close to the North Sea, which is about as far away from Bavaria and Munich as you can get in Germany. I do not own any Lederhosen nor do I know anybody that does.
Matthew: What can you see from your office window?
Henning: I am on the fifth (or sixth, depending on where you are from) floor and I see a tree with a magpie’s nest in it (no birds currently). Beyond that the “skyline” of central Pinneberg (population of 35000).
Matthew: What did you do before working at Canonical?
Henning: I was self-employed doing free-lance work for several customers but I had one big customer that also let me have a desk in their building. I’d been working there for 6 years (with a break) until I came here. I programmed in C, C++, Java, PHP and Python (of course), mostly network-related stuff and also some real-time data-processing lately. I was also one of the Linux experts in the company.
Matthew: How did you get into free software?
Henning: As a Linux user, really. Kernel 0.99pl13 was my starting point when I used several computers in my universities data center to copy Slackware onto a pile of floppy disks. Compiling the kernel was an over-nighter back then although I had an excessive 16 MB of RAM on my 386…
Matthew: What’s more important? Principle or pragmatism?
Matthew: Do you/have you contribute(d) to any free software projects?
Henning: I never got to be involved much in writing free software before joining Launchpad, I am sorry.
Matthew: Tell us something really cool about Launchpad that not enough people know about?
Henning: You don’t have to do your translations on-line. You can download them, edit them off-line and then re-upload them. Although, once our user interface is all ajaxy, nobody may want to do that any more…
Matthew: What is the deal with German people loving David Hasselhoff?
Henning: David who?
Matthew: Kiko‘s special question! You’re at your computer, you reach for your wallet: what are you most likely to be doing?
Henning: Using my credit card to buy tickets, memberships, software or something like that. I also use it to mange my bank account and transfer money after a successful eBay hunt.