Posts Tagged ‘tip’ short Launchpad URLs

Friday, March 18th, 2011

Short story: takes you to bug 12345, and describes more abbreviations.


Sometimes you’d like to point people to an interesting bug in a project that uses Launchpad, like bug 685380 (that ‘1’ and ‘l’ may need to be more distinct in the new Ubuntu Font).

Typing out is a bit tedious, and it uses up a fair bit of space in a microblog entry. You can use any of innumerable URL-shortening services, but then the URL’s opaque; which is a shame since it really just wants to represent a 6-digit number.

Therefore: (pad love), transparent short URLs for bugs, and other things including projects, people, bug-filing forms, packages, and more.

Maybe someone would like to make bookmarklets that generate these links, or add them into the Launchpad UI?

Thanks to Latvia for letting us use a fraction of their domain name space!

“Failed to fetch” errors for PPAs …

Friday, February 18th, 2011

You may start getting “Failed to fetch” error messages when updating your software sources (e.g. through “apt-get update” or “Reload package information” in Synaptic), which may be due to a bug we’ve just cleaned up in Launchpad’s PPAs.

The error looks like this:

  W: Failed to fetch
  Unable to find expected entry  restricted/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)

  E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.


Three tips for faster launchpadlib api clients

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

Three tips from Leonard’s lightning talk in Prague about writing faster Launchpadlib API clients:

1. Use the latest launchpadlib. It gets faster from one release to the next. (The versions in the current Ubuntu release should be fine; otherwise run from the branch or the latest tarball.)

2. Profile:

    import httplib2
    httplib2.debuglevel = 1

will show each http request and response, so that you can see what’s taking time.

3. Fetch objects only once:

Don’t do this:

    if bug.person is not None:


    p = bug.person
    if p is not None:

In the first case, the client may fetch the Person object twice. (We may fix this in future.)