Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Getting help with Launchpad

Monday, October 6th, 2008
Seattle telephone operators
Recent scene at Launchpad HQ

There are few things more frustrating than working on something and then being held up because you can’t get the help you need. I know this all too well: my quest for world domination has long been stalled because the sonic screwdriver help-line people never answer my emails.

With Launchpad, we’re trying something new to make sure you get the help you need. Each week day there’s a named member of the Launchpad team whose job is to answer your questions, whether in #launchpad, in Launchpad Answers, on launchpad-users or to

This means that on top of the usual cast of Launchpad types in #launchpad, for eight or so hours each day you’ll have a named contact that you can ping for help.

You can see which person’s on duty by checking the Help Rotation page on the Launchpad help wiki and also by looking at #launchpad’s channel topic.

Let us know what you think of the new help rotation and how we can improve it.

Telephone operators photograph from Seattle Municipal Archives. Creative Commons licensed.

This week in Launchpad’s web API

Friday, September 26th, 2008

You didn’t expect it, but here it is. “This Week in Launchpad’s Web API” returns for one more week! This week we’re pleased to announce that you can now search the bug tasks associated with a project, project group, distribution, or milestone. We know a lot of people have been waiting for this feature.

>>> launchpadlib_project = launchpad.projects['launchpadlib']
>>> me =
>>> my_launchpadlib_bugs = launchpadlib_project.searchTasks(assignee=me)

The interface to searchTasks is very similar to the interface to Launchpad’s advanced search form. That fact should get you started searching easily.

The other bug news is that you can now post a comment to a bug by invoking newMessage on the bug.

Release files are now exposed through the web service. This means you can now integrate release management tools into Launchpad. When you do a release of your program, the same tool that packages the release can upload the release file to Launchpad and make a Launchpad release for it.

>>> series = launchpad.projects['myproject'].series[0]
>>> release = series.addRelease(
...     version=new_item_name, code_name='sumo',
...     summary='super new beta',
...     description='The be-all end-all version for the next century.',
...     changelog='Fixes security bug. Adds external support.')
>>> release.add_file(filename="release.tgz",
...     file_content="[binary data]",
...     content_type="application/x-gzip")

Finally, we’ve changed launchpadlib so that when you upload a file, you need to set the filename you want the file to have on the server side. Previously, there was no way to set the filename.

>>> release_file = release.files[0]
>>> filehandle ="application/x-gzip", "new-filename.tgz", "w")
>>> ...

This week in Launchpad’s web API

Thursday, September 18th, 2008

This status report was put off until today because the edge site was frozen. This update is huge. We’ve made one change to launchpadlib, exposed a whole lot of Launchpad’s project registry, and published branches for the first time.

Since the development cycle is over, the next update will probably be in two weeks.


Last week in Launchpad’s web API

Monday, September 8th, 2008

Barry Warsaw, Francis Lacoste, and I gave an IRC chat about the Launchpad web service as part of Ubuntu Developer Week. There’s a transcript available in case you missed it.

The big news from last week is that we finally have the API documentation being generated whenever a new version of Launchpad is deployed. Whatever server your script is running against, the /+apidoc URL will contain the reference documentation for that version of Launchpad.’s documentation will change when we do an official release of Launchpad, and’s and’s will be updated much more often, as our changes get pushed out to those servers.

But there’s more! I also added support to launchpadlib for access to the binary files hosted by Launchpad: mugshots, bug attachments, and so on. This is everything described in the reference doc as “a file resource.” If you upgrade launchpadlib, you can now access these files with a Pythonic file object interface.

The server side of this has been in place since we launched the web service, so in theory you could have been messing with uploaded files this whole time by writing a custom-built client. But only recently did I update the hacking document that makes it easy to see how to do this.

Finally, Edwin, Brad, and I have continued working on exporting the Launchpad registry. Of note are three new hosted-file resources: a project’s brand, logo, and icon. Project groups also have more of their fields published.

This week: more things published through the registry, hopefully some progress on bugs as well.

This week in Launchpad’s web API

Friday, August 15th, 2008

Now that the Launchpad web service API has entered beta, I’ll be posting an update every week about the improvements we make to it. This way you’ll always know what’s going on, and you’ll see when something you want to do becomes possible.

Web service improvements

This week I made one major change to the web service itself. There’s now a special top-level resource that’s an alias to “you” on Launchpad. This is a nice convenience when you’re writing scripts for yourself, but it’s practically essential if other people are going to be running your program.

Here’s how to get a reference to the person who’s running the script, using launchpadlib, our Python interface to the web service.

>>> me =
>>> print

If you’re not using launchpadlib, GET the service root at, and you’ll see the URL to this resource as ‘me_link’. When you GET that URL you’ll be redirected to your own user account.

launchpadlib improvements

I spent most of my time working on launchpadlib. Apart from some bugfixes and performance improvements that you won’t even notice, I made three big improvements.


Previously, to see what capabilities a launchpadlib object had, you had to check the reference documentation. (That documentation is two weeks out of date, by the way; we’ll be fixing that next week.) Now you can just call dir() on an object, and all of its Launchpad-derived attributes and methods will show up in the list. If you only want to see the Launchpad attributes or methods and not all the internal launchpadlib stuff, you can check lp_attributes or lp_operations. This code shows what you can do with a launchpadlib person object:

>>> me.lp_attributes
['self_link', 'resource_type_link', 'longitude', ... 'homepage_content']

>>> me.lp_operations
['addMember', ... 'setLocation']


The second new feature is the ability to slice Launchpad collections as though they were Python lists. Here’s some code that gets the 10 most recently filed bugs in Launchpad.

>>> recent_bugs = launchpad.bugs[:10]
>>> [ for bug in recent_bugs]
[258042, 258041, 258040, 258039, 258038, 258037, 258036, 258033, 258032, 258030]

Previously, the only way to do this was to iterate over launchpad.bugs and insert a break statement when you’d had enough, which was very awkward.

Loading from bookmarks

The third new feature is the ability to bookmark launchpadlib objects and go back to them later, the way you can bookmark web pages in your browser. Here’s launchpadlib code to acquire a bug.

>>> a_bug = launchpad.bugs[251497]
>>> print a_bug.title
Make it possible to instantiate a resource from a URL

I can play around with that bug all I want within a Python session, but if I exit the Python session the bug will disappear. If I want to get the bug back later, I’ll need to find it again from scratch. Unless I store the bug’s unique ID (also known as its URL).

>>> print str(a_bug)

At this point I can write that string to a file or database. Later on, a different process might come online and load the string back into memory. That process can get the bug object back by passing the bug’s URL into launchpad.load().

>>> a_bug = launchpad.load("")
>>> print a_bug.title
Make it possible to instantiate a resource from a URL

Pretty simple stuff–people have been saving URLs and passing them around to each other for over fifteen years. The advantage of our web service’s design is that it gives you the same power in a scripted environment.

Upcoming work

Next week I plan to spend most of my time on behind-the-scenes performance improvements. You won’t notice anything if you use launchpadlib. If you’re writing your own client, you’ll know what I’m talking about when I say “ETag support.”

Meanwhile, Edwin Grubbs will be working to expose Launchpad’s project registry through the web service.

See you next week!

Legal Page Updates

Tuesday, August 12th, 2008


Today I’m happy to announce two changes which appear on the Launchpad Legal page.

  1. The Launchpad Logo, previously unlicensed, is now licensed as “Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales”. “No Derivative” was chosen to preserve our branding integrity.
  2. The Launchpad Help wiki documentation and the Launchpad News blog, previously unlicensed, are now licensed as “Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England & Wales”.

These changes have been made in response to our users and other commercial entities inquiring if they can display/reuse/remix these items. Previously, any non-Launchpad use required explicit permission (except as permitted by fair-use).

Please visit the Launchpad Legal page for the full details and links to the Creative Commons Licenses.

Joey Stanford

Survey about Launchpad’s upstream bug workflow

Saturday, August 9th, 2008

As we’ve spoken about before on this blog, one of the cool things about Launchpad’s bug tracker is that it can link bugs together, regardless of whether they’re tracked in Launchpad or an external bug tracker.

This is great for Ubuntu, where people report issues against an Ubuntu package of an upstream project. Jorge Castro works on Ubuntu’s community team and wants to know how we could improve this for upstream projects.

So, if you’re from an upstream project and have an opinion on how we can improve the workflow between Launchpad and your external bug tracker, take Jorge’s survey.

Launchpod on

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

Launchpod’s now up on the fantastic

Help us look like we’re the cool kids in town by listening to Launchpod in a player that supports scrobbling đŸ™‚

Take a look at the Launchpad team artist page.

Launchpad Logo Contest Winner Announced

Friday, May 16th, 2008

We’re very pleased to announce the results of the Launchpad Logo Contest!

The number and quality of submissions took all of us by surprise. We are
immensely pleased with the results and are in awe at what the community
has done. We had so many interesting designs that it was very difficult for
us to declare a single winner.

However, there was one design that we felt embodied what Launchpad is all
about. We were impressed by how it summarised so much about Launchpad and
yet remained beautifully simple.

So, we’re delighted to say that the winner is Eugene Tretyak!

You can view his design here:

The center of the design represents how Launchpad makes it easy for
people to collaborate and connect with one another, while the surrounding
facets represent the different services that Launchpad provides.

Above all, it shows that all projects are themselves a gem and, when
combined with other gems, can turn into something brilliant.

Eugene is both an Ubuntu member and Kubuntu developer and will receive
an official Ubuntu Messenger Bag.

There are also two runners-up whose designs made the selection process very
challenging for us. Mariana Ravicole and Ambroise Coutand will each receive
a 25 GBP gift certificate to the Canonical Store in recognition of their
highly competitive and very popular designs.

Additionally, we would also like to give an honourable mention to Donn
Ingle for his contributions. Donn’s varied designs were a popular

Finally, the Launchpad Team would like to thank everyone who participated
in the contest. We are humbled by the response and are deeply thankful to
all the participants.

Joey Stanford

Your questions for the Launchpad podcast

Thursday, May 8th, 2008

Over the next couple of weeks we’re going to record a brand new Launchpad podcast.

In it we’ll talk to projects about how they’re using Launchpad and also to members of the Launchpad team.

Perhaps the most important part will be questions from you. Whatever you want to know about Launchpad, ask us on the podcast help wiki page.

Also, if you’ve got a suggestion for a name for the podcast or a Creative Commons licensed theme tune, send it over to! Best suggestion gets a hearty handshake.